The four-letter fraud-Love?

Emelda Ojukwu M.D.
2 min readNov 11, 2023

I am not here to prove to you that love does not exist, far from it. Even if I told you so, you won’t believe me; love sells, no argument.

Remember the first time someone you really liked told you ‘I love you’? I know you do, nobody forgets. What did you hear? I bet you heard ‘I will never leave you, it is you and I forever, against the world and against all odds’. If it were sent via a text, it was one of those text messages you never deleted, and you just carried it from phone to phone, even ported with it when you changed to another mobile network. See you, haha!

What about when you had your first heartbreak? Unfortunately, everyone remembers that as if it happened yesterday. How did you feel? Betrayed? Angry? If you felt nothing, congratulations are in order, cultist!

I am more interested in what happened after the break-up because that is when life hits you for the first time. For some people, it is when their paranoia comes out to play, forever sadly. This is when you start having trust issues and second-guessing your feelings or their words. If you were a hopeless romantic, you automatically become so cynical that doubting Thomas will have nothing on you.

Everyone remembers their first heartbreak like it happened yesterday. I remember mine and it happened 12 years ago. I had completely moved on from it until this year when the same man who broke my heart then, resurfaced earlier this year asking if I would take him back while promising heaven and earth. The confusing thing about…



Emelda Ojukwu M.D.

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