From Scratch: Where do we go from here?

Emelda Ojukwu M.D.
3 min readNov 11, 2023


The first time I stumbled upon this limited series on Netflix, my initial impression was that it was just another cheesy romance show — not something I was particularly eager to watch.

However, the relentless buzz on social media eventually piqued my curiosity, prompting me to make a mental note to give it a shot during a less stressful time. I wanted to avoid the potential irritation that often accompanies love scenes and over-the-top pick-up lines, typical of many romance films. The first two episodes, admittedly, had me rolling my eyes due to their slow pace, and I found the build-up to the love affair somewhat unrealistic. I’m not one to buy into the concept of ‘love at first sight,’ but to my surprise, the series managed to captivate me.

Despite provoking emotions I didn’t initially want to feel, like any other impactful storytelling series, I couldn’t help but extract valuable life lessons amid moments of tearing up.

  1. Kindness is a weapon too: Living in a world like ours can make you forget that you can also win with kindness. If I am asked to choose between love and kindness, I will always choose kindness because it is unambiguous and brave. Zora’s consistent acts of kindness towards her sister, Amahle, and her willingness to offer a haven to the lovebirds in her own home showcased the strength and bravery inherent in kindness. While their relationship as sisters made it seemingly easier, I could imagine the discomfort Zora endured and the courage it took to open her space to someone she barely knew.
  2. Love makes people whole: What initially seemed like a typical love story turned into a narrative that facilitated the reunion of a father and son and the rekindling of familial bonds. The series emphasized that love has the capacity to rebuild, reunite, repair, and reveal, representing a love that is inherently complete in itself.
  3. Family at the center: The couple in the series thrived on strong family support and connections, each family exhibiting a deep understanding of love in their unique ways. Lino’s conservative background, characterized by tough love, didn’t diminish the profound love he experienced. This was evident when Amahle visited Castelleone after her husband’s death, sensing the love her husband had for his community.
  4. Time may not wait: A poignant revelation surfaced — love does not wait. There’s no set timeline for expressing love and affection because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Drawing parallels to my own relationship with my father, the series echoed the importance of mending bonds before it’s too late. Life is unpredictable, and it taught me to cherish the people in my life and express love unconditionally. Love the people you have in your life now, just love them anyhow.
  5. Make room for what matters: Life can be busy and filled with many distracting activities, but you can make the most of it. Be intentional, be honest, be willing, and most of all, be present.

Just like Lino said to his wife, a love like yours is too beautiful not to be shared. I am inspired to be fearless in opening my heart to be vulnerable to the ones in my life, to show up for them and with them, to laugh and make memories, and not to forget the good times when it gets hard.

Life can be lonely, I urge you to reach out and build a community through love and kindness, be open to learning, and embrace the people that life brings your way. Share your heart, and your life, and let the depth of your kindness be felt by the people who mean the world to you. You may not make the news tabloid but you will always be carried in the heart of these people and passed down to generations.

Thank you for your life.



Emelda Ojukwu M.D.

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