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Don’t label me, I don’t have ADHD.

Emelda Ojukwu M.D.
3 min readNov 16, 2023


‘Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid’- Albert Einstein.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also known as ADHD is a common problem that starts from childhood which affects people’s behaviours. It manifests as restlessness, impulsivity and trouble with concentration. There has been an ‘epidemic’ of awareness of ADHD in adults and children, with more people seeking a solution to it.

Like many of my friends, I felt it was not actually a real problem and might just be another avenue to medicalise a normal human disposition. I also believe that the complexity of human minds allows for a healthy amount of chaos which must be of a certain level to achieve a balance.

At some point, I had thoughts that ADHD may just be another label which will encourage excuses and laziness in people.

Being a health care professional, it is slightly mandatory to show empathy for your patients struggle, because the lack of empathy may interfere with the care you provide and might make you undermine the impact of a problem on a patient and their relatives.

I recently came across a write up by an ADHD sufferer on social media and it resonated with me; I sent this to three close friends and got very…



Emelda Ojukwu M.D.

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